Very Tallest Man in the World Turkish Sultan Kosen pictures, Guinness World Records New Tallest Man in the world Turkish Sultan Kosen pics and News

New Tallest Man in the World 
Turkish Sultan Kosen Photos

The Turkish Tultan Kosen bas become officially the Tallest man in the world on Thursday, September 17, 2009 having the size of  8 feet 1 in (2 meters and 47 centimeters). Guinness world Records in the Edition of 2010. Sultan Kosen from Turkey, is about 4 in (10 cm) taller than previous title holder Bao Xishun.

Tallest Man in the world 2009 Tultan Kosen Photo

World's Tallest Man Turkish Sultan Kosen very tall photo

Guinness Book of Records World's New Tallest Man Sultan Kosen with children pics

Turkish Sultan Kosen in Very Tall Legs Very Amazing photo


Tallest man in the world Turk Sultan Kosen in London City

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