Human Organs and their functions, Humans Organs photo, Human Organs functioning, Human Organs still, Human body studies, Human Organs Studies,



Human organs structure pics Human Organs and their functions, Humans Organs photo, Human Organs functioning, Human Organs still, Zoology studies, Human Organs Studies, Human body


Often these organs are enlarged in children and obstruct nasal breathing.

Adrenal Glands:

Essential to life and for hormone secretions such as adrenalin,cortisone, etc. Regulates chemistry of essential body chemicals such as sodium, chlorides, potassium

Anus :

Is muscles control bowel evacuation.


It is a vestige of man’s primitive past.


Acts as reservoir for urine which has been excreted by kidneys.

Bone marrow:

Manufactures blood cells.


Control of mental and nerve activities.

Bronchial tubes:

These are the tubes through which air moves in and out of the lungs.


In female, he breasts secrete milk, to suckle he babies.

Human Organs and their functions photo

Cervix of uterus:

Acts as barrier to infection; acts as passageway for sperm to enter uterus; dilates at childbirth to allow exit of unborn child.


Absorbs water from stool and propels stool on toward anus.


Receives food from stomach and propels it on, receives bile from liver and gallbladder, receives digestive juices from pancreas, secretes digestive juices of its own.


Transports swallowed food o stomach.

Fallopian tubes:

Transports egg from ovary to uterus. Fertilization of egg takes place within fallopian tube.


Stores and concentrates bile received from liver, and expels it into bile ducts, which carry it to intestinal tract.


Pumps blood throughout body.


Absorbs food, absorbs water from intestinal contents, aids in digesting foodsl propels contents on to large intestine.


Absorbs food, absorbs water from intestinal contents, aids in digesting foods propels contents onward.


Filters excretes and reabsorbs and thus helps to control balance of blood constituents.


Controls act of speaking.


Manufactures bile, controls metabolism of proteins, stores fat and sugar and purifies the blood.


These are the organs of respiration. They extract oxygen from air which is inhaled and they get rid of carbon dioxide with air which is exhaled.


Produce an egg each month which, when fertilized, forms an embryo. Ovaries manufacture female hormones which are secreted into blood stream.


Manufactures insulin, which controls sugar metabolism. Manufactures juices which help to digest foods.

Parathyroid glands:

Manufacture a hormone which controls metabolism of calcium and phosphorus.


Male organ of intercourse. This organ acts as conveyor of urine from bladder.


Commonly called the throat, it is the passageway for food and drink and also for air which is breathed.

Human Organs in human body photo Human Organs and their functions, Humans Organs photo, Human Organs functioning, Human Organs still, Zoology studies, Human Organs Studies, Human body

Pituitary gland:

A most important gland whose hormone secretions, directly or indirectly, control metabolism. It is responsible for growth and for proper thyroid, adrenal and ovarian gland function.

Prostate gland:

I secrets fluid in which sperm are transported during ejaculation.


Its strong muscle fibres regulate outflow of stomach contents into duodenum.


It conveys stool toward outlet of intestinal truct.

Seminal vesicles:

Store semen for discharge through the ejaculatory ducts when orgasm takes place.

Spinal cord:

This structure contains the nerves which travel from and to the brain and thus are responsible for sensation and movements.


In he unborn child, it manufactures blood cells. In the fully formed human, it destroys old, worn-out blood cells.


It churns undigested food and initiates digestion. It manufactures hydrochloric acid which helps to break down large food particles.


They manufacture sperm which are conveyed by the vas deferens to the seminal vesicles. They secrete male sex hormone into blood stream.

Thymus gland:

After the second year of life it degenerates. Nothing is known about its function.

Thyroid gland:

Manufactures the hormone, thyroxin, which controls metabolism.


This is an organ of taste. This helps in chewing and swallowing. This helps in the act of speaking.


Function unknown.


Conveys air into and out of lungs.


Conveys urine from bladder to outside.


The organ in female womb within which the embryo develops.


The female organ in intercourse leading to the cervix. It is also through this canal that the newborn child is delivered.

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